Salmon Jul 22 – Aug 21


Salmon birth totem
July 22 – August 21

Resilient • Intuitive • Bold
It is said that Native American cultures view life not in terms of linear progression, but as a circle. The salmon embodies this cycle, symbolizing both the journey and the rebirth that follows. There is a quiet wonder in the way the salmon navigates its path—how does it know where to go? The answers seem to be embedded deep within its spirit. This can be a profound meditation: to truly understand who I am and where I am headed, I must first know where I came from. In its selfless journey, the salmon sees beyond its own life, sacrificing itself so that the next generation can carry on. A salmon totem encourages us to stay grounded, focused, and persistent on our own path.

These are made to order 2-3 days.

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Salmon Jul 22 – Aug 21


In stock

Salmon birth totem
July 22 – August 21

Resilient • Intuitive • Bold
It is said that Native American cultures view life not in terms of linear progression, but as a circle. The salmon embodies this cycle, symbolizing both the journey and the rebirth that follows. There is a quiet wonder in the way the salmon navigates its path—how does it know where to go? The answers seem to be embedded deep within its spirit. This can be a profound meditation: to truly understand who I am and where I am headed, I must first know where I came from. In its selfless journey, the salmon sees beyond its own life, sacrificing itself so that the next generation can carry on. A salmon totem encourages us to stay grounded, focused, and persistent on our own path.

These are made to order 2-3 days.